mhmdfdl apps Apps

piano hero 1.5
mhmdfdl apps
Piano Hero. Real piano experience. Playthegame with the actual song. Try it with the actual notes. Realsongswith piano experience.Race against time. As soon as you attempt to finish the song.Bewareof fake bombs tickets. How many times you can play the notesin 10seconds?
jumper tweak 1.0
mhmdfdl apps
Pong tente d' échapper à la mort , avez-vouscequ'il faut ?Essayez de rester sur la plate-forme . Vous pouvez réagir assezvite?→ Attendre le bon moment→ Puis appuyez sur l'écran pour sauter→ Ne pas tomber de la plate-forme→ Choisissez parmi plusieurs caractèresJusqu'où pouvez-vous obtenir ? Relevez le défi .Pong tries toescapedeath, do you have what it takes?Try to stay on the platform. You can react fast enough?→ Wait for the right time→ Then tap the screen to jump→ Do not fall off the platform→ Choose from more charactersHow far can you get? Challenge yourself.
tilt jump 1.0
mhmdfdl apps
Developed by the creator of Phases, thisnewaction game called tilt jump is to bounce a Brainslug as highaspossible on the platforms without falling, and avoidingvariousobstacles on the way!